Thank you Lui, you are a very kind and loving person, probably one the most loving person i have ever met.
Name: Tanya
Message: third (final) session of chakra removal
The session was similar to the previous ones- i felt when KL was removing the chakras and also I felt a warm energy when he sent white healing light into my body (the biggest sensation i felt at the back of my neck. Also KL taught me how to absorb negative energy and clear my body which was really cook.
Thank you very much KL.
As I said before- I can highly recommend the chakra removal.
Name: T.
Despite I am pretty fit for my age - normal body weight, eating healthy, drinking plenty of water, doing lots of outdoor activities, non smoker, don't drink etc.., I had a health "issue" - my partner has been telling me that I am snoring... The doctors couldn't explain that as I was looking generally really healthy... My partner wasn't bothered a lot about it (he said is not too bad/loud), however I felt really embarrassed... even I couldn't handled jokes regarding snoring.... There wasn't medical explanation about it but witting me I had an idea of what was going on:
Thank you KL for the chakra removal, for cleaning so much negativities and teaching my so important lessons. Here is the time I should also mention that during the second chakra removal session, KL taught me very important lesson to help me keep my karma clean. Thank you.
Name: Tanya
Message: I had my Crown and Third-Eye Chakras Removed.
When KL told me that he will take me to three different places, I was expecting to "see" thing - actually it was more like sensation for me - for example, when he took me to a lovely forest I felt my airway got clear and could breath a fresh air... It was awesome experience!...
KL showed me how to ground and build a protection shield around my body. This actually helped me a lot as two days later I had to meet with a person who had lots of negative influence in my like, but thankfully to KL and the protection shield around my body - the meeting wasn't bad at all - instead of leaving with tears in my eye i left pretty emotionally stable. Thank you KL!
As I said I felt nervous before the removal session, but now I happily would recommend it as the best way for ascension.
Message: Greetings.
I quite enjoyed the process.
I felt the negative energy lift from me.
I had quite a deep sleep with dreams that too me to many unfamiliar places.
my mind is much calmer.
I am looking forward to a significant increase of energy.
there is much work to be done.
many thanks.
aka Frederick
This one was pretty tough for me. During the work my body felt REALLY hot as things were getting pulled out. Not uncomfortable but definitely noticeable.
Afterwards I noticed something that hurt me definitely didn’t hurt me as much anymore, not only that but every time I tried to talk about it I immediately didn’t want to.
It definitely feels like a massive emotional weight has been made a lot lighter now, if not completely gone.
Name: Danielle
I'm so excited to see how things will change for me in the coming weeks as a result of getting this done.
Thanks KL!
Testimonial part 3
Message: This is my second portion testimonial.
Message: Once again I'm blown away by King Louie's work. I got my last three chakras removed and it was extremely powerful work. The entire time my root chakra was pulsating because it was ready to come out.
Lui seemed to know what needed doing from the very first time I contacted him. While working on my crown chakra, he found that there was something causing serious blockages in my root chakra. I could feel all the negative blockages leaving my body throughout the session.
We were able to find and remove the major blockages in his energy body that was not helping Macmillan be all that he could be! The mind blocks were just hard to remove without removing the charkas first. There is great things in his music as he wants to spread his messages of spirituality.
Message: Today was just amazing. King Louie is officially the most caring and helpful individual I know. I was going through a tough time and had a bunch of negative things that were happening to me. I felt so overwhelmed and I didn't know what to do.
Message: Third eye opening. I suspect very few problems moving forward from here. Thank you for your wonderful service!
Phone: 425 524-9575
Message: testimonial:
So I have a testimonial about one of your YouTube videos. This is prolly an overshare lol but I had the worst PMS. Terrible cramps to the point I was almost in tears.
Name: Danielle
Name: Danielle
Message: This is the second session I've had with king Louie. The first one was the full 7 chakra removal. The second one was the channel removal.

Phone: 321-795-7683
Message: The first session I've had with king Louie was the complete 7 chakra removal. I didn't know what to expect at first, but it turned out to be great. He's very enthusiastic.
Name: Carine
Again thank you so much and I will make sure to talk to you soon!
Name: Stanley
was skeptical, there was definetly something changing inside me.
It's going to be the same here with the body. Only the crown and 3rd is different then the Body. Because ur conscience is in your head and not your body.
Actually, it's worth even more than billions. The soul is worth much more than money. Easily.
Name: Carine
Not sure yet how to explain all of this, but this was definitely something very special. I just got the 7 chakras removal and it showed quite some interesting facets. The experience itself made me feel immensely grounded and also made me feel head on where certain problems lay - through that a feeling of awareness and after release contentment was created.
Name: Tom
Message: Dear King Louie
As you know i was a little nervous and i have to say also a sceptical. I really didn't know what to expect. I was surprised to hear your voice. I guess i was expecting amore serious person, but instead you were very up and easy going. I liked that.
You also guided me through the session very well.
About the actual removal: I was really trying very hard to push the chakras out, and it did felt like i was moving something and sensations came into my head.
Thank you, and I'll let you know how i progress
Name: Michael Angelo Trujillo Jr.
Message: So The Results From The Attacking Service Clearing Are
2. Being Able To Feel More Clearly
3. Feeling Love, Which Was Very Amazing!
4. Less Insecurity
5. More focus
6. Skills Taught That Help You Coping With The Environment
7. More Happiness
8. Able To Do Body Awareness Meditation With More Concentration.
9. A Sense Of Direction In My Life
10. More Energy
11. A Sense Of Well Being
Name: Remco Weijman
Message: Feedback for the chakra removal service
Gradually I felt I became lighter by each step.
Third eye: Maybe half of the time of the crown. I noticed a calmness and empty mind.
Throat: One of the fastest. Definitely felt my throat clearing up. In a sense you can finally grasp some air.
Heart: Some old pain got removed. And no longer have a feeling of repressed emotions so to speak.
Solar and sacral: warmth glow
Root: Kind of a problematic one
Still does. It feels like a quiet calm now or a quiet steady confidence. It feels liketheirs more air or strength in my head. When I went to sleep I had a out of body experience, which happens rarely for me.
Since the chakra removal I'm definitely more positive.
It's not an acting thing. It's an inner thing.
I just don't feel it. Yes I can still naturally feel sad,
but nowhere near the level I experienced before. Thank you.
Date: March 11, 2017

About the actual removal: I was really trying very hard to push the chakras out, and it did felt like i was moving something and sensations came into my head.
One of the energy exercises we did felt like a sort of waterfall to me first, starting in my head.
Afterwards you told me it was the energy of a mountain. Close enough for me to be somewhat impressed. I did like the other exercises too and overall it was a pretty long session. I was a little tired towards the end, but i regained my energy pretty quick and now i'm eager to see how i will feel after a good night sleep.
Thank you, and I'll let you know how i progress.
Feel Much Better And I Am Rather Confident That You Will As Well
Now...Time To Do Some Good In This World =)
But like I said some chakra I noticed better than the other one.
now don't have that feeling of chronic fatigue anymore. Much more energy.
King Louie is very strong. Would recommend.
Stanley provided a new update on June 9th, 2017 to confirm that the head chakras (Crown and Third-eye) removal was a permanent solution:
Hello King Louie,
Thank you for your responses, it means a lot to me.
I want to update you on how I'm doing.
Since the chakra removal I'm definitely more positive.
It's not an acting thing. It's an inner thing.
no trace of any depression.
I just don't feel it. Yes I can still naturally feel sad,
but nowhere near the level I experienced before. Thank you.
Date: March 11, 2017
Complete Chakra Removal
In the session with KL, I felt each area where the chakras were totally clean; as in I've lived my life with something 'there' energetically. After each one was removed, it felt clean and as if it was just my physical body there, and I couldn't feel whatever I had previously felt there before.
Yes, my mental state is much clearer now, but what I'm trying to say is that my physical body feels much better and more natural now, as if no matter how much clearing I was to do in the Chakra areas, there would still be beliefs that were holding me back in these areas, if that makes any sense.
t's as if whatever you believe, is somehow stored into the Chakra, and will forever be there, at least partially, until the Chakra is removed. -this statement really is true, but you can only truly realize this once the chakras are taken out.
So now now that my chakras are fully gone, it has cleared my once held beliefs about whatever I had, and replaced them with my true, full self ready to take on the universe to the highest degree. It's like nothing else.
So I would be in the conversation too, listening and replying, and then I'd mentally try and push the chakras out without telling him I was, and he knew instantly that more of my chakras were coming out of me; he can feel it when my chakras came out. This is not a joke, and neither is he. He is the real deal. Thank you KL.
One last note: because I was opening up more on every level, the negativity comes in easier and fear starts to kick in easier, so he sends out an extremely powerful white light which erases any sort of fear you might experience.

Name: Rajender Paul
Message: Hi Louie
Thank you KL for the session today.
It's always a pleasure working with KL.
Cassie provided us a new update on Feb. 4th, 2017:
Name: Esther Aliu
Phone: 659145229
Message: I just
had a chakras clearing session with King Louie and it has been great. I
have had a couple of chakras unlocking before, but this one was so
different. I could really feel all the bad energy coming out of me, and
when we were done with the 7 chakras, I felt so flexible and connected,
like if I were made of play-doh...!
Then he sent me into a bath of three different powerful lights....I
still don't know what that was but each one of them felt super
During all the session he gave me advices and homework to do, he also
explained me many things with all his love and special energy...!
At the end of the session I felt so much love for everything, clarity,
and good energy, like I was high on mdma (sorry for that analogy haha)
I really really recommend this clearing and King-Louie, it felt so
right to me.
Name: Abacos
After having my session, the immediately reaction was hard to explain, but it felt like jump starting my own energy that has been locked away, and needed the boost to restart flowing though my energy and astral bodies. I could feel the overall energy from KL being transferred to me, and the blockages being removed. I would recommend KL to anyone looking to use his services.
Name: Illya
Hi King-Louie,
I'm writing about you in third person, hope it's ok for you :)
First I had some doubts about the session,
because I'm not a native english speaker,
but that was not a problem at all, as I didn't have to talk much :)
King-Louie is a very positive person, so
the communication was very nice,
despite of some connection problems it was a unique experience, I
really felt something
is happening in my head, first he removed my
crown chakra out, that didn't take very long,
but my third eye was blocked, so we needed a second attempt, which
worked fine in the end,
actually he continued working on my chakras even when the connection
was lost a couple of times.
He gave me a lot of information, how to gain more energy, how to reach
my goals, how to protect
myself from negative energies and how to be successful...
And he removed the negative energy and
programming from my head and gave me his positive energy
and programmed my brain for success and to reach my goals.
Also he asked T-J to check what my life purpose is, and to check my DNA
strands, from 25 it went
to 87(!) after the chakra removal.
He told me that my third eye chakra was hard to remove, because I was
sad for a long time,
which was true, and explained me how to handle such situations.
Everything what King-Louie told me really makes sense for me if I
compare the information with
what I read in different spiritual books.
After the session he will send me the information from TJ about what my
life purpose is and also
what has to be done to reach my goals.
So thank you very much King-Louie, I will follow your advice and do
what is needed and let's see what happens :)
Best regards
That's just amazing!
Thank you so much,
Best regards
Name: Jake
Message: Testimonial
Well, I got my crown & third eye chakras removed & I think it's literally the best decision I've made in my life. My mind is so free, also haven't one headache since, not even a slight pain in my head. I feel so much more at peace & my creativity has exploded now that the implants have been removed.
Name: Mike
Message: Testimonial
Today i had a energy session with KL. First it was nice to
know that a real person is behind the beats and this website. It was
the reason I was a bit hesitant to try out a session with King Louie.
But I'm happy I did.
During the session he worked on my third eye. What I felt during the
session was
very subtle, it wasn't until after it was done that I felt very
different. My third eye just
Thanks KL, I'm glad I listed to my impulse and got the session with you.
Date: 03/08/2016 at 11:51 PM
Name: Christopher P
Message: I recently had all chakras removed by KL.
Upon doing so I went through a huge emotional release for about 3 days.
I've noticed my energy increasing each week, i feel more grounded, less impatient and more understanding. I definitely feel happier and more accepting of others.
Thank you for your help.
Name: danny
Message: update, been two weeks since my crown and 3rd eye chakra removed, still have head pressure forehead between the eyes and my temples, also some head pressure, I massage these areas and I feel relief ,but it does not last. some tension in the chest area from time to time.i feel better now than I did before the chakra,but I expect to feel much more better. I feel I still being held back, I need more emotional strength. in about 3 weeks I like my throat,heart, and solar plexes chakra removed, maybe sadness in the heart and fears in the solar plexes holding me back.some parts of the day are better than other,but it takes effort and lots of focus. I feel I should be further along on my path.
thanks kl for all your help
thanks kl and to the pc for helping me, and for your guidance i over come alot of bad programing in me, but i stll have some more to over come.