"The Truth ..."
TELEKINESIS TUTORIAL - Step by Step Develop the most dramatic and wondrous of all psychic powers when you use this 25 minute training tutorial. Using this audio training session, your mind can easily move objects, bend metal, and even levitate objects without much effort. You learn how to see physical energy, feel objects, feel energies and much, much more! You will finally get the breakthrough that you were looking for! Highest Quality: 320 kbps Format: MP3 Length: 25 minutes | ||
$24.99 (Over 70%
MONEY MANDALA BINAURAL BEAT VIDEO This video uses a mandala that has repeatedly positive results! I was not going to release this one because it was to be used privately but since I am to change the world we can't be selfish! The audio portion uses Solfeggio frequencies that are extremely effective in bringing a change in your karma for the better. For those that want to be the big winner in the stock market, in real estate, or at gambling...even if you had no talent in such things...this is for you! Also great at finding lost objects, treasures, gaining material wealth and getting a new job or a raise in pay! Use this video daily for an hour each day. You will feel the difference and get stunning results! You will finally get the breakthrough that you were looking for! Audio Quality: 192 kbps Format: Avi Length: 15 minutes | ||
This Remote Viewing Binaural Beat will help develop your remote viewing skills by lowering your brain waves to the theta range where military remote viewers operate. This beat eliminates the need to manipulate the frequencies, which may not be difficult for a trained remote viewer, but now makes it possible for the normal or average person to control the state of minded needed for remote viewing! All of our beats have been extensively tested by the Ascendants and Awakened groups for over a year so can be sure to get the maximum results. You will feel the difference and get results! You will finally get the breakthrough that you were looking for! Highest Quality: 320 kbps Format: MP3 Length: 60 minutes | ||
$4.99 (Over 80% OFF!) |
THE ASCENSION BEAT BINAURAL BEAT This is the original beat using specific audio frequencies designed by the King-Louie to ascend our spiritual DNA strands by activating the 12 DNA strands naturally and triggering the awakening of the special ones at this time! Move forward or stay behind its really up to you now! All of our beats have been extensively tested by the Ascendants and Awakened groups for over a year so can be sure to get the maximum results. You will feel the difference and get results! You will finally get the breakthrough that you were looking for! Highest Quality: 320 kbps Format: MP3 Length: 60 minutes | ||
$4.99 (Over 80%
GROW TALLER - HGH BINAURAL BEAT This beat i s one powerful megamix of isochronic or single tones and binaural sounds! We serve up this complex beat that will increase your HGH output by 200% and help the growth and healing of bones! Grow bigger and taller safety without the health dangers of synthetic growth hormones. All of our beats have been extensively tested by the Ascendants and Awakened groups for over a year so can be sure to get the maximum results. You will feel the difference and get the results! You will finally get the breakthrough that you were looking for! Highest Quality: 320 kbps Format: MP3 Length: 60 minutes | ||
$4.99 (Over 80%
PINEAL GLAND STIMULATOR BINAURAL BEAT This beat was created to aid in the physical and spiritual opening of the Pineal Gland. Both the pineal gland and the pituitary body are made to vibrate in unison. Once activated, the pineal gland connects you to the higher planes of spirituality. All of our beats have been extensively tested by the Ascendants and Awakened groups for over a year so can be sure to get the maximum results. You will feel the difference and get the results! You will finally get the breakthrough that you were looking for! Highest Quality: 320 kbps Format: MP3 Length: 60 minutes | ||
$4.99 (Over 80%
This one hour long beat uses the same powerful healing frequency of 528 Hz as used by genetic scientist to to mend DNA/strengthens cell wall to boost immunity! Listen daily to boost your immunity system and feel much more energetic! All of our beats have been extensively tested by the Ascendants and Awakened groups for over a year so can be sure to get the maximum results. You will feel the difference and get the results! You will finally get the breakthroughs that you were looking for! Highest Quality:320 kbps Format: MP3 Length:60 minutes | ||
$4.99 (Over 80%
BRAIN POWER BOOSTER BINAURAL BEAT Boost your intelligence, improve your memory, and enhance language processing and significantly advance your reading, spelling, math abilities when you use this 60 minute binaural beat to really work hard your frontal lobes. The frontal lobe plans activities as well as controls emotions. A nicely developed frontal lobe can stop or turn-off the emotional system. If your emotions tell you to punch your boss, it's the frontal lobes that say "STOP or you are going to lose your job!" All of our beats have been extensively tested by the Ascendants and Awakened groups for over a year so can be sure to get the maximum results. You will feel the difference and get results! You will finally get the breakthrough that you were looking for! Highest Quality: 320 kbps Format: MP3 Length: 60 minutes | ||
DMT SIMULATOR BINAURAL BEAT This one-hour long brainwave entrainment beat is designed to simulate the effects experienced by meditators while on DMT or ayahuasca. Be strong and go natural, drugs are only for temporary effects. Use this beat for third-eye activation! All of our beats have been extensively tested by the Ascendants and Awakened groups for over a year so can be sure to get the maximum results. You will feel the difference and get results! You will finally get the breakthrough that you were looking for! Highest Quality: 320 kbps Format: MP3 Length: 60 minutes | ||
NERVE REGENERATOR BINAURAL BEAT This beat is to repair nerve cells and nerve pathways destroyed by intoxicating substances such as cytotoxins! Great for those binge out there. All of our beats have been extensively tested by the Ascendants and Awakened groups for over a year so can be sure to get the maximum results. You will feel the difference and get the results! You will finally get the breakthrough that you were looking for! Highest Quality: 320 kbps Format: MP3 Length: 60 minutes | ||
(Over 80%
KUNDALINI AWAKENING BINAURAL BEAT This beat initializes the systematic process of Kundalini Awakening using specific frequencies that are extremely effective in opening, balancing and purifying the chakras. You will feel the surge of energy and Kundalini arising to the Crown chakra. All of our beats have been extensively tested by the Ascendants and Awakened groups for over a year so can be sure to get the maximum results. You will feel the difference and get results! You will finally get the breakthrough that you were looking for! Highest Quality: 320 kbps Format: MP3 Length: 60 minutes | ||
ANGER MANAGEMENT THERAPY BINAURAL BEAT This beat is my first collaboration with group member Zensbeat using an original musical composition and specific frequencies that are effective in purifying us of our anger issues. You will feel the change in your energy state and an emotional calm using this beat because emotion is an energy we can change with the right frequency or vibration. All of our beats have been extensively tested by the Ascendants and Awakened groups for over a year so can be sure to get the maximum results. You will feel the difference and get results! You will finally get the breakthrough that you were looking for! Highest Quality: 128 kbps Format: MP3 Length: 20 minutes | ||
THE WEALTH GENERATOR with ANGEL BADGE BINAURAL BEAT VIDEO This is our first video using Angel Badges channeled to us by Time-Jumper from the powerful ArchAngel RaZieL with specific frequencies that are most effective in generating Wealth for you without any effort. The Aliens call this Angel "The Most Smartest Angel"! Easy to use... just look at the Angel Badge in the video daily while meditating on your heart's desires! All of our beats have been extensively tested by the Ascendants and Awakened groups for over a year so can be sure to get the maximum results. You will feel the difference and get results! You will finally get the breakthrough that you were looking for! Highest Quality: 192 kbps Format: MP4 Length: 24 minutes | ||
LOVE ATTRACTION with ANGEL BADGE BINAURAL BEAT VIDEO This is our second video using Angel Badges channeled to us by Time-Jumper from the powerful ArchAngel RaZieL with specific frequencies that are most effective in attracting Love to you without any effort. The Aliens call this Angel "The Most Smartest Angel"! Easy to use... just look at the Angel Badge in the video daily while meditating on your heart's desires! All of our beats have been extensively tested by the Ascendants and Awakened groups for over a year so can be sure to get the maximum results. You will feel the difference and get results! You will finally get the breakthrough that you were looking for! Highest Quality: 192 kbps Format: MP4 Length: 11 minutes | ||
GOOD LUCK GENERATOR with ANGEL BADGE BINAURAL BEAT VIDEO This is our third video using Angel Badges channeled to us by Time-Jumper from the powerful ArchAngel RaZieL with specific frequencies that are most effective in generating Good Luck for you without any effort. The Aliens call this Angel "The Most Smartest Angel"! Easy to use... just look at the Angel Badge in the video daily while meditating on your heart's desires! All of our beats have been extensively tested by the Ascendants and Awakened groups for over a year so can be sure to get the maximum results. You will feel the difference and get results! You will finally get the breakthrough that you were looking for! Highest Quality: 192 kbps Format: MP4 Length: 15 minutes | ||
Angel Badges eBook - Energy Generating Develop over 90 psychic powers when you use this eBook with images telepathically channeled to us from "the Smartest Angel" called ArchAngel Raziel. Using this eBook and the supplied Angel Badges, your mind and energy body will begin to work together to bring about your heart's desired outcomes without much effort. You brain will learn many new abilities automatically and naturally manipulate energies and much, much more! You will finally get the breakthrough that you were looking for! ISBN 978-0-9940023-0-3 Highest Quality Images Format: PDF Length: 94 Angel Badges | ||
$119.99 ( 25%
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Customer Reviews
Hello King Louie;
True words you speak, as usual - right to my core.
I will tell
you however that even though I quit using the beats, the effects your beats had
on me did not stop.
For almost two months now, I have been physically on
a cleansing journey - my diet as well as my body. I have come to the part
where I discipline my mind by disciplining my body - and vice versa. Martial
arts inspired, I guess :).
To be honest, if I could have done martial arts
I would have,but a few restrictions (physical and regional...small towns...lol)
won't allow me that.
It does not mean that I can not apply some of their
principles, however.
Pushing my body to it's limits has forced me to
create a special place in my mind I can go to and draw energy from - and in
so, caused me to view energy differently.
Cutting dependancy on food and
certain junk has also cleared 'energy noise', if I may call it
Like today : I woke up early to go train - by the time I
was done, exhaustion gnawed at me. I felt ready to collapse - then I
closed my eyes while breathing deeply...quieting everything...in my mind
I viewed the world around me (I was outside)...then I saw it gave off
energy...pure energy, and of course, the not-so-pure energy. I saw the
beautiful vibrany energy coming off of God's creation...and I imagined it
filling my being, travelling through my feet upwards through my body. As
I did this, I could feel my being recharge and a minute later - I was filled
with energy, drinking nothing but purified water, and I jogged an additional
amount of miles home :)
I did not think I would feel what I did - I
simply did it to motivate myself while I was in my quite place in my mind -
and it worked!
Now that I have a quiet place I have been working
on for a few months, I know I can go there while I use your beats, and truly
open myself up to it. I can keep all noise and stray thoughts out.
So I believe this may have been neccesary - what happened.
I also got
to deal with a whole lot of undealt with emotional issues. Hard - but
now I feel quite..free.
I feel lighter than I have done in
I believe the thanks have to go to the work you are doing with
I have been on a two day fast now - water only. Tonight I
shall start with your beats - open, clear and more focused.
I hope I do
not let myself down this time. I will work on it.
Thank you
Hey King-Louie,
It's Liberation from the HC forum. I first started off using The Ascension Beat and Solfeggio Harmonics. They gave me more vivid dreams and I was able to remember my dreams better. I then started listening to Energy Clearing for Unresolved Emotions and Feelings which when I listen to I can feel it pressing on and clearing some of my blocks. When I'm finished listening to it I often feel unresolved issues being brought up. I also listen to The Merkaba V2 sample which makes me feel energies press up to the top of my head and when I'm finished I can feel my inner body moving back and forth. The most recent one I've been listening to is the Theta Clairvoyance which I've had the most reaction to. Headaches, pressures in my head, dizziness, seeing more manifestations from spirits/entities, blocks being pressed at, being tired more often, finding new solutions to problems, new opportunities opening up, and feeling a bit sick. I listen to them everyday in order of Theta clairvoyance, The Ascension Beat, Solfeggio Harmonics, Energy Clearing for Unresolved Emotions and Feelings, The Merkaba V2 sample, and most of the time I also listen to Eternal Peace Binaural and Eternal Peace Isochronic too which are a download from some other place. While I'm listening to the beats I always feel warm and my forehead feels like I have a fever, but it's gone by morning. I normally listen to them in the afternoon or at night and can feel the energies still around me when I'm finished. It has always taken me a while to get to sleep, so I don't know if they've affected that. I'm tired more, but still take a long time to fall asleep. I feel a lot of energies inside me and that I should do something with them. It seems to be building up and since they're internal energies I'm not sure how to let them out. Physical and regular activities don't seem to do it. Overall, I feel the beats working, but I have some blocks I still need to get passed.
Evening King
I am still using your beats - I will
report anything significant to you as the days pass.
What I can tell
you so far is that vivid dreams are back in full swing - and the other night
as I was listening to the ascension beat, my left wrist ached again, but it
felt as though there was some sort of energy ball within my left hand. I moved
it around, open and closed it too, to make sure it was not maybe my hand
sweating and being overtly sensitive to a cool wind or something passing
through my room - it wasn't. It was as though there was an air-ball
active in my hand :)
That was way interesting for me personally
Hope you are doing well as December is moving onwards;
care & much love
yes my complexion seems to be a lot brighter, and my i'm also down on the coffee, before i was a coffee addict, now i down to half a cup, it's like my body is freeing it's self of all the toxins and telling me it doesn't need them anymore!
off to do another seesion now of your beats.
you know you have a lot going for you, you could in fact cure a lot of illnesses, just by re-doing their dna:
have you ever thought about it, you could be a fantastic well known worldwide healer, all these scientists that try and find cures for cancer and stuff, you are well up on them, you could be the first one to find a solution to all these problems, and also create your own brevet which would mean that they wouldn't be able to copy your findings.
When i was really bad with depression last year, hubby took me to a healer, which really didn't make any differences to me at that time, but what he said at that time and now thinking back on it, the guy said i was surrounded by Angels, hubby just laughed it off, but i didn't say anything, now looking back on, i think he meant you!
I was diagnosed with a personality problem which i meant, i didn't really know who i was, i have always known i was here for a reason, but my depression at that was great, i had panic attacks and anxiety, now all that has gone through your beats, and i now know i have a purpose in life.
I'm also thinking for some reason that your beats maybe best suited to those that have had or have any of these issues, as they are the ones of our clan.
King Louie,
I wanted to report in on my first experience with your beats.......Oh, btw, I have no medical conditions, so no worries.
I listened to the 5 minute anti-aging beat/frequencies.....I felt an amazing amount of energy that kept building and building......it felt wonderful and at the same time almost too intense....I believe it felt overly intense at first, because I had never experienced (heard) this frequency technique before and was not prepared. I also had my earphones on full blast, so that might of had something to do with it....When I listened the second 5 minutes I knew what sound would be coming and felt more secure with the feeling...The immense building of energy was enjoyed, but this time I could actually focus and felt the energy rush throughout my body. I felt it all over my body. When it was finished, the energy was still flowing through my body.....I am definitely going to listen to this tomorrow before I do my daily 5 mile bike ride and let you know the outcome. I forgot to mention that I was laying down with my eyes closed so that I could focus better.
On the chakra beat I have to say that my experience will sound pretty confusing but I am going to give it to you exactly the way it was experienced by me. I was also laying down with my eyes closed for this. As I was listening, almost immediately the area above the middle of my eyebrows started to get a dull throbbing sensation. The more I listened the more it seemed that it was a pulling sensation connected to my eyes. About 10 minutes into the session it seemed as if it was getting brighter under my eyelids. It was a light reddish tint instead of darkness. Another 5 - 10 minutes into the session I noticed bright white light coming through from the top of my eye area......Now here is where it gets confusing for me....as I was focusing on the white light shining at the top of my eye, I looked to the bottom of my eye to see what color it still was.....Well it happened to be white also.....after I realized this, when I went to look back up, it felt as if my eyes were now positioned differently....higher on my head....I kept thinking why are my eyes here on my forehead? The pulling sensation was gone from my eyes, but the throbbing was still above my eyebrows.....and in my mind I kept seeing my eyes were now in that throbbing same area above my forehead....I can also point out that meditation does not come easy for me....heck, to be honest...it simply does not happen for me, since my mind is always wandering about the things I should be doing or have to do....but I did notice that I was totally focused on this experience only.....not once did I have a different thought to interrupt this session....I also noted that when the session was finished, for at least a minute longer I felt that I could still hear the beats going.....After I opened my eyes, I felt very restful, but also very confused....I can feel like something definitely took place, but do not have a clue as to what it was.....As I am writing this, I am still feeling exhilarated, with an eagerness to explore this more.
Sorry for the long winded post....but this is my experience exactly as it happened.
Hey you!
Hey King Louie...How the heck have you been? I wanted to drop you a line and let you know that my absence is not because I was leaving the group....I have had to deal with a personal issue and did not want to bring any negativity to the others...I have a bad tendency to shut myself off for a bit when something major happens in my life....things are a lot better and I am better able to deal with the situation and will be posting like normal again now that my head is more clear and able to focus.
I did want you to know that through this time I have still been
listening to the beats daily and can honestly say that they really helped me to
get through this period of time....I even managed to astral travel twice and I
am sure it is the beats that helped me to finally accomplish this. Woot! Woot!
I am coming back on the forum to start sharing the experiences with everyone
and I sure do miss everyone on here like crazy! I have a ton of posts to
catch up on....I hope that you have been advancing and look forward to hearing
from you.
Thank you ^_^
the best thing is experiencing them, as it gives me insight
into things that are happening around me, things I cant describe or explain,
when I listen to the beat its like an amplifier for meditation. I thought of
this and decided to use the beat after a short meditation/breathing excercises.
The effects are really very good, I reccomend you all give it a try if you
already haven't, I know it takes a little longer then just lying down n
listening to it but it really is better.
I've been under the
influence on some really negative thigns and after using this beat I've had a
much better result when trying to break free from these things, and have found
a sort of deeper sense of self; less doubts, more self-forgiveness, less cloudy
thoughts, less empty thinking too, just generally think this is really
effective and can be really useful for people who are having difficult times
and still trying to cling to more spiritual thinking. This is pretty much all
my opinion, but I think it can be a sort of hand on shoulder or solid object to
lean on if people ever felt doubt or like the things they were doing were just
BS or not working.
I look forward to hearing the next beat but have a
sense of patience I don't think I've ever had, not in the circumstances
anyway. :P
Well I had a sort of message passed to me which was nice,
just finished then decided to write this, It said things are gonna be
ok, I think something positive has happened somewhere, somethings changed, I
definately saw a landscape change from a dark, desolate, flat area to a lush
sort of forest/grassland area with blue shies and mountainous surrounding.
maybe it was my shangrila ^_^, whatever is happening, I really feel a sense of
pride and love, I think I may go for a walk and find out where that wavy sound
is coming from whenever I'm finished though, maybe its my eardrums ringing
after hearing the beat, anyone else hearing a sort of underwatery ringing
sound after the beat?
Thanks again, Love and Peace
Thank you so much
for the tip :)
As for the Merkaba its just been 2 days
now. The biggest sensation was the first time in the first 10 seconds!!!
I was in my home, alone, but I got kind of scary you know? excited and scary
at the same time :) never felt something that powerful before, I just
stopped the sound and I think would find a better place/time to be more
In those 10 sec I was just mentally and literally
pushed into this kind of 3-D outer space scene, floating.
I visualize a big circle or planet? with this emerald green
brightness around. I was like in the middle of these 3 astral
bodies. I saw a lot of geometrical figures and designs. Like
the drawings you've been uploading here, but in this amazing 3d
view. Just incredible!
I've been
having trouble to find a quit place and time for me to focus, I've
been hearing the Merkaba on my work, but it is noisy in here. I've been
just flying around. Having different sensations. I just know as soon as
sound starts I stopped feeling my feet xDD
Let you know when
smgth remarkable happens...if so :)
This helped me.
My mind is definitely evolving.
I may not be a genious LOL, or maybe just not yet., but things are happening. I've become much more peaceful inside. I think truths are becoming clearer to me. Psychiclly I think I am opening up. I feel very distinct physical reactions in the psychic centers, and get some clearer impressions and visuals. This is coming from someone who has always been interested in these things, but has a background of these things being not real at all.
Hi. Couldn't find the Cancer Healing Frequency on Youtube or the Forum so telling you here what I've experienced. Right at the start I was lifted to my higher Self, then to belly, then 3rd chakra. The frequency raises the frequency. Thus..It brings the soul into the higher Self where Higher Self can decide to die or cure from cancer. So worth a try to "treat" cancer patients with this.
Linda de Jongh
Hello, KL
I purchased your Ascendants and ESP albums. The telepathic track made my third eye pulse intensely followed by electricity and heat at the crown chakra. Just wanted to say I love your work.
Namaste from Justin.
Angelic Inspirations
Hi Louie!
The Arch Angels that are working with you in particular are Arch Angel Jophiel for he is the angel of Creative Power, Arch Raphael the angel of healing and Arch Angel Zadkiel, the angel of prayer. Another angel working with you that works with vibration is an angel of the third order called Galgaliel and a beautiful Seraphim Angel called Hamied that works with miracles. This all ties in with your work and abilities!
Thank you so much Louie! Have a blessed day!
in love and light always,
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