Our Deluxe
Shielding service is the strongest shielding service we have. The service
is for one person.
With this service we create energetic barriers or
shields on your behalf.
This includes creating shields to
stop psychic attacks, entity attachments and other negative
threats or programmed influences. If you have
it, we can stop it!
Attacks to your energy
system or body can have an accumulative effect over time
and ultimately wreck havoc on
your health, body and mind. The negative effects can
build slowly over
time and develop into a serious mental or physical problem if left
unchecked. This service is without
doubt, the ultimate in serious, psychic
The effectiveness of the shield is guaranteed for 3
months from the time of purchase. This service like all
our services will include a complete chakra clearing service that
will put chakras back to their pure,
white blank state minus the ego version. To purchase this
service, please enter you full name in the box below and click
on the PayPal Buy Now button below.
Once the payment is received by us, we will
email you the time and date of the
remote session, along with the number to call or the Skype name to
contact and complete the
Enter your full name in the box: